Dodge Truck 4 Speed Hump

This is a 4 speed hump, boot and chrome retaining ring that came out of a 1983 D150. I know these go back into the 70s, but I don't know how far. You can see the hump itself has a couple of small chips out of it around the flange. This will be really easy to fix with a fiberglass repair kit. The rest of the hump is excellent. The boot is still like new and soft and pliable with no tears or holes. The chrome ring is very good for its age. I spent literally three minutes getting it to shine this good. With a buffer and a little time, it would look almost perfect. I don't have any screws, but some stainless screws from the hardware store are cheap. The hump by itself is 99 bucks USED from Brewers. All of this together from Brewers is 197 bucks, plus shipping on top. I'll take 100 shipped for all three pieces. Located in middle Georgia. EDIT: Looks like Brewer's says 76-87.
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