Help needed passing Emissions!

Oh. Okay.
We had them in the NY areas.
They were called "speed shops".
There was a great Mom and Pop store called Flips Speed Shop, they sold everything from headers to Cragars.
We spent hours in that place, dreaming, as kids and putting parts on lay away, until we could pay in full.
Good times.

Yes, there were other "speed shops" in the area, too. Super Shops was a chain /franchise, like the Wal-Mart of speed shops. Speaking of "mom and pop speed shops," there was one that opened many years ago, the next town over from me. They had or could get anything you wanted; but man, did they keep the strangest hours. You pretty much had to go there and see if they were open. Never really answered the phone. In hindsight, I wonder if they weren't a front, for something else. They closed down after several years.