Max rpm 360 magnum ???

Thanks, the motor Is together, i have another Block which will be an all forged 408. Will be needing some advice for heads for it
More head the merry. Try and get a cam lifting the valve up as much as possible to take advantage of the heads great flowing ports.

So in other words; put some decent heads on your combo, that won't choke the cam, and with adequate valvesprings, and adequate exhaust sizing; then just let her buck. And don't let someone talk you into installing a big ol' cam into your engine until you have tried this. There is, IMO, far too much talk of big cams on this Forum. The typical street-geared combo does not need, nor want, those.

I so totally agree with this.
Certainly not his shift points!

The cam in the wife’s car uses 1.6 rockers for .570+ lifts with the TF heads.