Game changers in your lifetime that you could not do with out- tools and gizmos

Wood frame construction jobsites have changed a LOT in the past 10 years. I joined up in 1986. Back then, most guys had their own circular saw, most were "Skil" brand. Hardly anyone had anything else except hand tools.
By the late 90s, guys up here started buying air compressors and nail guns. A few had electric Sawzalls.
From 2010 or so, the switch to cordless stuff has been impossible to ignore. Circular saws, Reciprocating saws,(Sawzalls) drills, impact drills, planers, roto hammer drills, Multi-tools, even some nail guns. hardly see them using air ratchets anymore.

When I was in highschool, I did some construction. I remember dragging an air compressor and/or generator out to job sites. Though I work in an office these days, I have a ton of cordless tools that make life so much easier. Now that I live on a 3acre yard, not having to drag an extension cord (or 3) out is great. My corded oscillating tool stopped working this summer and I bought a ryobi one. Didn't expect much but it works surprisingly well. I will say that some tools just haven't been replaced with batteries just yet. There has been no battery circular saw that seems to work well enough for me.

My cordless impact is probably my most often used tool.