UTG engine build "callout"

it's the internet generation make a million on your first paycheck ,instant everything , why work at so mething that takes years ? i started hanging around garages at 13 helping out where I could learning slowly then working on my own cars with books to help . lots of trial and error
nothing instant like everything back then took time and hard work
Ive watched guy s who came into an auto shop saying they knew what they were doing. One guy that sticks out in my memory if he wasnt breaking things on the car he was hurting himself. It was every day. The crew of mechanics would watch and wonder what he was going to do next. He messed enough things up to get himself fired for bing a liability. I saw him years later after he went to tech school, he said he knew what he was doing now. Nice enough guy but dont go into a job saying you know when you dont. This was 22 years ago.