Stop in for a cup of coffee

I worked at a towing company my first summer home from college and they did mechanical work, I was one of the mechanics... We had a 4 cyl Mercury Bobcat in for a clutch job and had to remove the trans... Our trans jack in the shop was broken and they told me to go to the shop next door and borrow theirs...

I didn't feel like going through all of that hassle, so I had the other teenage mechanic (Gary) hand the trans to me while I layed on a creeper... I then slid under the car and bench pressed the trans up and got it bolted to the block...

When the boss's brother came back and saw we had the trans back up there he asked who did it, and Gary said that it was Karl... So the boss's brother "another Gary" comes up to me and says, "Karl, you fucked up... You're the official trans man now"... :BangHead: :realcrazy:
Replacing a clutch in my Vega, I pulled trans out, it landed on my chest, OMG it was HEAVY!!!!