Being 'Old School' makes it difficult to hold my tongue at times...

99.9% of the time, I'm the last one to leave after my shift is over.
But in all fairness, there are also a few young people I work with that have a strong work ethic too.
Too bad it's the exception not the rule.
I'm 59 now and that's the way it's been all of my working life, I think it's more of a parenting problem than anything.
Agreed, I have had the privilege of training some young people that had great worth ethics and really strive to be successful and I know they will. A lot of it is about positioning yourself always looking for new opportunities and not letting your emotion get the best of you. Trust me there are times I wanted to literally throw my boss through the plate glass window we were standing by but I knew I had family and responsibilities to meet and by grinding it out the cream usually rises to the top and the chaff blows away. I didn't imagine I would be in the position I am in now fairly comfortable moving into retirement not rich by any matter of means but the bills will all be paid and the Wolf well if it comes to my door I'll just shoot him in the head LOL. I always do my best to take the high road! And not get drug down by others stupidity or greed.