Said goodbye to my friend today-----------------

My heartfelt condolences for you loss. We have always had miniature Dachshunds. We are on numbers 6 and 7 now. Of the prior 5, we had to take 4 of them in to the vet at the end. I cried like a baby each time. Our current two wiener dogs (Hermione and Luna) are so special to us. They are both 10. Luna is daddy's girl She wants to be with me 24/7. She LOVES going to Lowes with me and riding around in the cart. Sometimes I think that after they are gone, we won't get another dog. But then I realize that the pain of losing such a special friend is worth the amazing and unconditional love we get from them. When we attach ourselves to 'friends' with shorter lives than us, we must understand that each day with them is a gift from God. Think about it, dog spelled backwards is God. You will never forget Emma, and a new dog will never take her place, but just like kids, all dogs have their own personality. You will find a new friend who will heal the pain in your heart. Again, my heartfelt condolences for you loss.
I so agree. Worth a read again folks.
Once I sat in the vet's waiting area to have my best friend put down. He sat in my lap looking up at me, and I could see him wondering why we were here.
The little girl sitting next to me asked why are you having those tears, are you sad? I replied those are happy tears, my best little friend here will soon go and be with the Man that created him, and the happy tears are all about all the good times we had together the great memories I will have after he leaves my side.
His name was Red Dog,a minature dashchund. That was 4 odd years ago, I now have Red Dog (#2).