What color is this? T3 or huh?

Looks like the car is right and the mix is wrong. They need to look up the code on a 1969 chart. If they use another year of T3 it could be the wrong color.

want examples? Take Y3. DY3 is a cream color, and GY3 is curious yellow and bright color like sublime green. They are both Y3. The first letter is the year it came out and it means a lot. D is1968 and G is 1971

next is B5. There is EB5 for 1969, and GB5 for 1971 and they are different color mixes. They are close but not the same.

I tried explaining this to the vey experienced paint person at the paint store and it didn’t mean anything to her, until I showed her the Y3 and she looked at the formulas. She can tell what the color will look like from the formula.

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B5 is 1969 and EB5 is 1970