Stop in for a cup of coffee

Dogs do really funny things. If Harley is not around me she is at the neighbors. She called the other night around 7 and says Harley is up here and if you want she can stay the night! Second home for that dog. Daughter got here from a puppy mill she was a OOPS dog. she had here a year or so and she went into heat and the neighbors Rottweiler got out somehow and Harley was out tied up at the daughters, well two dogs in heat is not good. They got in a fight and Harley chewed the ears off of the Rotty. Cops got involved with the humane people. Daughter got fined WTF? and had thirty days to get rid of or destroy her. I took her. Fixed her and she is the best dog I ever owned. She is around 7 now.

My grandma had a doberman mix mutt and it bit her neighbor... They complained and she was told to get rid of the dog....

She just changed it's name and told them that it's another one that just looks the same.... :D