Stop in for a drink.

Good evening gents! It has been a long week of meetings and deal making, so I have been decompressing in the evenings by making a metal sculpture out of old hardware odds and ends.

I call the creation “Henry” and he started as a couple of bench hinges bolted together and screwed down on a piece of scrap wood. He stands about 18” tall.




He then got his head and neck from an old plastic Easter egg, a machine screw and some vacuum tubing.


Then an old exterior light mounting bracket cut, bent and painted became his shoulders and rib cage.



A couple of wire looms, some machine screws and he now has articulated shoulders. He can raise his upper arms 45* to the side and swing them 180* front to back. Everything is made so that once it is moved into a position, it stays there. All the bright hardware will be replaced with appropriate size black hardware once all the parts are worked out.


I am now having a few cold beers on this nice cool Fall evening and pondering how to complete the arms next.

I hope everyone is well! Cheers!