Fall Fling 25 Oct 23, 2021 Van Nuys CA -info & roll call

As our hobby ages more people are using those spots. Every show, we have one guys that parks a car for sale in a handicap spot up front first thing in morning. Never pays to come in. He’s a retired policeman that resells cars. He has a real handicap card and I’m sure some medical condition. He’s not in a wheelchair.

It sucks that some people manipulate things like that.

With Donna's new hips it's hard to tell that she needs the spot, but there's no way she can walk a show as big as yours. That's why we picked up the Jazzy, so she can still enjoy going to a show. Even the Inland Empire show was big enough that walking it would have been very difficult for her. BUT, when she gets out of the car she appears fine, so I never question anybody...