Alternator wiring 66 Dodge Dart

Sorry for the slow reply I had trouble texting what I wanted to ask and I could only add the pictures, was looking to upgraded to a higher amp alternator and wires also bypassing the ammeter. The thing that's confusing me is some images that I've seen on the internet show three wires on one side of the ammeter(black wire) and one single one for the red, and mine only has one on each one so my question is the black wire from the alternator (which is the one I want to upgrade to a higher 10awg wire) have any other wire spliced into the black wire before he gets to the ammeter. The one thing that gives me a little bit of problems with working on this car is this is a Canadian 66 Plymouth Valiant which is the body style of a USA 66 dodge dart not sure the wiring are different from one or the other. Sorry again for the slow delay was off work last week so had a rough day on the first day back.