Stop in for a cup of coffee

My 64 yr old mind just had a major "IT DOES NOT COMPUTE" malfunction. Some background... I never have had my own facebook page. Once in a while I will log into the wifes facebook page and post something. That came to a end after my daughter and I got into arguement about the covid shot ( she and her hubby are of those that call it "the jab" ). Only reason I posted at that time is becuase they couldn't come and have kabobs on my 64th birthday because of covid. Yes my feelings were hurt. I got over it. Long story short, I wont ever post on Facebook again. Daughter and I haven't spoke since early August. So today the grand daughter (hasn't had a covid shot either, due to social media influence in my opinion) wants to get the great grand daughters ear lobes pierced for her 1st birthday. That child can't say papa yet. She can't say if she wants her ears pierced or not. She can't have a covid shot either.
I'm just glad the grand daughter messaged my wife on Facebook instead of callling me. I might have went off on child abuse. It's not that I fear she will get covid when going to the mall for ear piercing. It's the corelation of the needle or "the jab". Poke needles all the way through both her ear lobes because the parent wants it? Well hell yeah, granny can pay for ear piercing and I will pay for the tramp stamp tatoo on her lower back. LMF'nAO .
I do hope yall can tolerate my periodic rants. I will try to keep them to a minimum, always have.