Demon and Dart owners?

Are there any Dart or Demon owners who wouldn't mind helping me out with some basic car info?

I need the width of a 1974 Dart or 1974 Demon hood; at the top and the bottom.

I'm building (another) Mad Max replica car. The original is an Australian 1971 Chrysler by Chrysler CH hardtop, but since I'm not going to be importing a 50 year old Australian vehicle, I'm building it off an American car. The body of a Demon or Dart will work, but the movie car has the hood of a 1966 Bonneville. So I have know the width of a Demon/Dart hood to see if I can transplant a Bonneville hood. Make sense? lol

Anyway, if someone could help me out I'd really appreciate it. I'll post some pictures of the vehicle I'll be building.


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