What did do as a kid to earn money ?

I stood on a corner with a sign that said, "Homeless Veteran, Anything Will Help."
Just Kidding!!!
I mowed grass, shoveled snow, delivering papers, doing whatever. When it snowed, I'd get up at 5:00 AM, do my regular customers, and then knock on doors after school for more.
BIG compliment to all of us. WE SEEM TO HAVE WORK ETHICS!!!
I am 71. When I was a kid, I had about a dozen regular lawn and snow removal customers. Most lawns were $1 and most sidewalks were 50 cents. We were very poor, so that money was used to buy my own clothes and going to movies, etc. I used to walk all around pushing my lawn mower and asking for mowing jobs. When is the last time a kid has knocked on your door and asked to mow your lawn or shovel your sidewalk??? I have been in my current house since I retired from the USAF in 1993. In all those years, I have had one kid knock on my door one time and ask if I wanted my driveway cleared of snow. He quoted a ridiculous amount, so I said no thanks. Kids nowadays do not want to work.