Recommend Reading

I believe we have freedoms as well, I also believe everyone has the same opportunities to succeed in this country, I don't believe in the systemic racism bullshit nor do I believe the federal government needs to be involved in people's lives as they are now. This administration is reaching way beyond the constitution allows. The freedoms we do have as a nation are being shifted to not what we have had. We all seen a lying media 1 stupid political party lie for 4 years in a row about a leader who wanted greatness for all people in this country. Since this is fabo I won't get in to all that but the ”taking away" of freedoms is upon us and easy to see when you look.
Seriously have a good night, I wasn't being a smart *** !
I do not know in what capacity the federal gov is involved in your life other than us paying tax out the *** as we've done for God knows how long.... The media spins news to the viewers political affiliations, so we get only news we want and not the truth, the problem being people dont want the truth, they want what they want to hear.
Something you and I are both guilty of as is millions of other Americans
We should demand the truth be it what we want to hear or not.
The truth is freedom
Other than that im not getting into anything more as this isnt the forum.... Im always open to discussion so by all means feel free to reach out
I never stop learning and so I learned your being a gentleman, you also have a pleasant evening