What did do as a kid to earn money ?

Mowed acres of grass...pushed my 20" mower all over town!! One lady paid $3, another $3.50, one was $5. And the one I really liked paid $10!! Of course, it was 2 acres pushing that blasted mower! And that mower was my first hotrod too...had it apart many times. One time, didn't get the throttle adjusted so you could pull the lever back and shut it off. No worries, I'll be fast and just knock the plug wire off with my hand. We'll, you guessed it, I'm not so fast and the spark jumped from my leg back to the steel handle!!! Had to be at least a 3/4" arc!! Best high jump I ever did!! Think I may still have the scar on my leg...
In the winters, anytime it snowed, spent the whole day out going door to door shoveling snow. Then worked in a clothing store for a couple summers. BORING!