Tea drinkers what are you drinking ?



Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2012
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I drink tea most days.
I go in spurts on my favorites.
Right now I'm really liking celestial seasonings Bengal Spice.
It is so yummy !
Loaded with flavor.
What about you that drink tea ?
Im a traditional lipton black tea extra sweet kinda guy I love it i can drink it all day especially on hot summer days ice cold sweet tea hits the spot.
Well it says I believe on some boxes of tea that sugar enhances the flavor.
I could never drink tea before without sugar .
Now once in a blue moon I'll add honey.
Lipton black with occasional slice of lemon
Earl gray breakfast is another favourite
Stash tea, any flavor, if you can get it. Red Rose black tea is my everyday tea. Twinings Earl Grey for a change now and then. 2 Red Rose and 1 Twinings Earl Grey and a heaping 1/2 cup of raw sugar for ice cold sweet tea.
for breakfast or lunch, i like earl gray

for drinking on a hot day, i like brisk raspberry ice tea (havent been able to find it in a few years)

when i got a migraine, for some reason i crave macdonalds sweet tea
Pretty sure the “English tea in salt water” was referring to the Boston tea party! Real patriots drink black coffee…

I have not even thought about the Boston tea party and the whole tax slash dump the tea in the bay deal.
For a very very long time id leave the Tea bag in my cup for as long as I was drinking it.....The tea of course was very strong but I liked it that way....Id drink several cups a day.
Earlier the year around May I started to have urinary issues.... Turned out to me more of a bladder issue and I now limit myself to one cup of caffeinated tea or coffee a day.....In the afternoon I often have a cup of decaf tea with lemon and a couple of Stella Doro anisette cookies or biscuits
But at my age its all ok LOL......
Yeah I'm pretty sure caffeine is a diuretic.
So that can make things worse.
luzianne black tea with non bleached natural sugar.
Every year I try to take a little more sugar out of the mix.
Don't drink anything processed with exception of a cup of coffee in the morning.
Tea's from a plastic bottle with preservatives give me heartburn and are all just too sweet.
I will pick up some milo's or dreamland when I'm in good ole Bama, but I have to cut those in half as they are too sweet also.
Otherwise water.
I have drank tea most of my life, but really went deep when I quit smoking in Iraq. I needed something to replace coffee. Coffee and cigarettes = hookers and blow.
Was addicted to sweet and spicy by good earth, until they changed the recipe. Mostly just do English breakfast tea. There is a tea plantation in Charleston that makes really good stuff, black and peach in particular.
Anything with mint in it, Stash Moroccan Mint is a favorite.
English and Irish breakfast tea, unsweetened for me. There’s a few small tea companies in Portland. Smiths Tea, and Tea Hunter. Both have some really good small batch teas. My brother got me hooked on Yerba Mate Enlighten Mint tea.

English and Irish breakfast tea, unsweetened for me. There’s a few small tea companies in Portland. Smiths Tea, and Tea Hunter. Both have some really good small batch teas. My brother got me hooked on Yerba Mate Enlighten Mint tea.

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Tell your brother he got ripped of...this is what mate really looks like

Twinings Irish Breakfast Tea is my favorite.
We are sold old we make out own with tea bags.
Wife does un sweetened and yea she calls TEXAS the South!!!! ha
I can't go the un sweetened.
You know you are in the North when you go in a cafe and order sweet tea and the waitress bring you a glass of cold tea,and point to the sugar on the table!!! ha again
Or you are in N. Dakota and order tea and she always brings you a cup of hot TEA!!! :rofl: