Do I Smell Smoke?

I set a pair of old school 1034A mini-bulbs (painted yellow) on a green t-shirt on the inner fender of the '65 Formula S to find if the filaments were still viable. I used the installed Optima battery along with a pair of wires (one red, one black) with alligator clip ends for the testing. I found one bulb with no filaments still viable, and the second only had one of the two filaments still working.

I set the bulbs aside in a safe place. A very short time later I asked myself "What is the neighbor burning? That really smells bad". Then I look up to see the test wires melting away on top of the t-shirt! I pulled the burning debris away from the vehicle and breathed a sigh of relief. I forget to put the test wires away and they had fallen on top of one another and got hot enough to melt and then set the shirt afire.

Being the fact that the crossed wires were outside the purview of the factory wiring harness, I believe no damage was done to the vehicle itself.

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