automatic with a clutch

My Mom's Dad loved the damned fluid drives when I was a kid. They have no "gear" or "park." You MUST keep the (driveshaft mounted) parking brake in good condition. But my Gramma either would not set it hard enough, and it would roll, or forget it and drive off and burn it up, or not set it at all and it'd roll

They had I think three, and in the end of "that run" of some ? 10-15 years or whatever, the last one ended up a green car with a tan front clip--a combo of two of them that had been wrecked

One rolled down a steep hill up above our place. The other happened down the street, which interestingly, was the daughter of the lady which lived on the big hill where the other got wrecked. The place down the street had a narrow driveway that went downhill from the street, across a terrible little bridge over a small creek, and then sort of level to the house

Gramma was skeered of the drive in the winter, and parked near the road. She started to walk down to the house, and the car came chasing after. She got out of the way, the car went off the bridge

I don't remember the details, anymore, of what years/ models these were, all '50's Dodge flatty sixes with some sort of fluid drive The remains of the tan one lay out back of Gramps barn for several years

The X at far left is on the big hill, and the curser and arrow on the right is the place with the narrow bridge
