"I fought the 40 and the ..........I won.........." to the tune of

I used to have. '64 version of that engine. Was fantastic the whole time I had it. Only issue I ever had was having to replace the coils because they cracked (like all of them did)
Yup coils is a big issue. I recently got into a BIG fight with an egag seller over his china coils

I was not aware until this year that there was an early "small crank" 40 and the later "big crank." The first year or two the 40 used the same crank/ flywheel taper as the 35's, and they had enough more "pop" that they would shear crank keys. I have one and it needs a flywheel!!! I may not "fix" it as I have another--- long shaft electric shift one I got "free" that seems to have a well maintained power-head and I'll junk it and use the powerhead "elsewhere."

I'm still not convinced this engine on this boat is putting out all it should--but the season here is over, and if I live through the winter I will try agin next summer.

Hope it is cooler and less fire smoke...................