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Symons cone crusher head. In operation it has a replaceable liner over it. When the plant operator has his head up his rectal canal and doesn't check them the liner often fails. Liner contacts that raised surface there at the bottom of the cone and has a has a huge nut on the shaft that protrudes through that hole in the top there, the cavity between the liner and head is filled with epoxy backing material after assembly. I could hear the liner ringin' like a little bicycle bell whenever the crusher was empty. Not my plant, not gonna worry about it. Rock heads finally caught on to it. They took it apart found big crack in liner and no backing material behind it. They got the liner off and found that the sealing surface there at the bottom was no longer usable :BangHead: for the next liner. Poured the backing material in after they had the new liner on and it ran right out the bottom :rofl:. They had a template for checking that lip hanging on the wall of the shop and never touched it :lol:. "Go get Alex. He can weld it back up. Asphalt plant has nothing going." 2 days it took me to build that lip up to where it would work. Stinger get so hot I had a bucket of water to drop it in to cool it off :lol:.