Are cats narcissists?

I commend you for sending your older worker cats to indoor homes. Our cats have always been indoor cats for their own well being. We live in metro Denver. We've seen numerous animals run down on our 25MPH street. Some of our cats come from the farm where my wife grew up, but we have adopted several older cats and kept them for life. We both miss all of them. I'm glad your ten year old is keeping busy. I suspect a rat is a challenge for a cat. Good on him.

Losing one of our little predators is always heart breaking. We usually have 4 cats around all the time but we're getting older and it's hard to leave them for vacation drives. When our 2, Bob 13 years and Suzy 16 years are gone we'll probably get no more kitties. It's already an occasional conversation around here of how we might handle not having kitties and we may not be able to do it. The Dumb Friends League adoption center is about a three minute drive from our home. Way too close. Might be our undoing. Cats are family around here. Again, I'm so happy that you find good homes for your retirees.

I feel like you're talking to me because you quoted me but you're preaching to the choir about cat haters. My post probably seemed a bit abrasive because I do have expectations from the cats because there is a very large area out back with a lot of old mopars.

I feel the retirement plan I have in place is the most humane because they finish out their days as indoor cats amongst my friends, because most people I know like an older and settled cat in the house.

I'm glad most of you have the space and amenities to nurse an old cat till his natural end but such is not been practical here.

Even though gritty kitty turns 10 next year, he's been my most reliable and cuddly cat I've ever had so he's probably going to move in the house with me even though I've never had an indoor cat.
He just took down a huge rat the other day so I think this cat is far from finished but if something happens to him, it would be the most heartbreaking because he's like a 300k mile slant that's still running like a top.

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