I swear, the USPS LOLOL

Yeah I know its hopefully getting better but look at it like this, our own kids don't want to do roofing so what are we to do? Mine has a 4 year degree just got married is working in IT tech support and is going for an MBA. Point is immigrants, whether we like 'em or not have a place here. Been that way for a s lo

I was going to start a business back in 07-08..the economy tanked and I figured Id be working 3 times harder than i already was for the same yearly salary.

This was going to be an auto business
State inspections repairs front end work etc. I to this day still do work but I never did start that business and I don't regret it either...

My cousin in Pa does state inspections. The state just made him buy a piece of equipment that he has to wave the owners card under and all the info is transferred to them immediately. They have our mileage figures and know exactly how many inspections he’s done in X amount of hours.