Stop in for a cup of coffee

Get a good cat...
In the almost 20 years we've been out in the country, we've had maybe five field mice make their way into the house. The latest one was about a week or so ago. I got up and went to the kitchen to start my coffee one mornin and on the way back I noticed some "things" in the floor. I didn't think anything of it, as the cats have a pretty big assortment of toys in their toy basket. Kitty went into the kitchen to get breakfast started and I hear "EWWWWWWW!" The cats had dismembered a small mouse into like seven or eight pieces. They made SURE to leave them all right in the path to the front door, so the hyoomahns would be sure to see. I went in and cleaned it all up and Kitty dished out the treats for the cats. They're brutal. Nothing gets past them.