Cam degree..

Are cat found some good push rods..
We haven't seen the cat this morning so I figured when I was in my shed looking around for an oil slinger as she always does goes in silently and gets closed into closets my garage and everywhere so I figured I better check there.. I don't see her but I have my flashlight so I look around just keeping my fingers crossed that I see the oil slinger and what do I see?... A box with some valve springs and a gaggle of ball and cut push rods... 16 of them!!... Headless to say I ran back inside and put it side by side with the ones that I have and sure enough they're about 3/8 of an inch longer... I already ordered the ones from Summit so I've got to call them in the morning and cancel that order... I'd like him to be a little bit longer but I think these will work?.. they are a little fatter as well, just a little bit..
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Completely acceptable.