Stop in for a cup of coffee

Spending the day with those Rangers made me really regret my military career choices :rofl:

Story time

Our Company went to one of the Training areas in Germany. As Teams went through iterations we had to take turns running a comm relay for range safety.

I'm up on the high ground with my radios set up and a jungle hammock kicked back in t-shirt and PC.

Bunch of dudes roll up the hill in a HMMWV and pile out in full battle rattle and start setting up some radios and optics. I wandered over to say hey and let them know I was over in the woodline. Turns out they were FOs for a mortar platoon.

So we start shooting the breeze and as we're talking chin straps are unbuckled, LBEs go to John Wayne mode. Flak vests get unsnapped.

Few moments later another HMMWV bombs up and the LT jumps out blazing about them being out of uniform. He turns to me and just glares. I smile, and wander back over to my hammock.

Best in-service recruiting tool in the world is an SF guy just doing his thing. :lol: