Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries & 2947 cnties in US

I dont believe one persons mind was ever changed as a result of these conversations. I get shots to have a job in healthcare. MMR, Hep A&B etc etc etc....Not sure how one more shot will kill me. I think its when you force people to do things they get the hair raised. I miss the days of trying to get the 1%'s to pay their taxes and world hunger, yknow, issues to warm by the fire.
I miss the days my mom talks about when she was in school and it was vaccine days the kids just got lined up and got their vaccines.. no note from your parents no yeses or no you just lined up and got your vaccine...
Kind of what you were saying with your field and having to just get another shot. Like when they mandated the army to get shots what do they have to get like 12 14 different shots anyways? What's another one?..