Stroked motor oil levels?

The whole idea of running a deep pan is to move the oil away from the spinning crank.

On the street 5 qts has always been enough in my 7 qt pan............ because my engine is never at 7200 for more than two or three seconds atta time.
the oil does not have to be touching the spinning crank to be picked up by it and smashed to bits. The tray mostly, prevents that. I moved mine down as far as it would go, on the ARP studs..

My roadrace pan has side sumps instead of dropping straight down. There is no way I could use a drag-race pan in my car, and still drive the chit out of it like I do. My RR-pan got so beat up I finally fabbed up a skid plate for it.
I see your pan is beat-up worse than mine.......