30 seconds and out the door..... amazing

................And then the door opens and there's some turd illegally parked there.............. LOLOL
That was impressive. Then funny as heck when those remaining celebrate the goal!
I was afraid for a minute that this thread was about me, posted by that girl from the club.
I was on a reactionary force for 4 hours after every 4 hour post shift. It was like that, we got back to the guard shack, turned in our rifles and rounds and hit the rack...45 minutes later the red light and claxon would go off and we had to be up, clothed, armed and on the truck in under 90 seconds. Were talking full cammies, boots, helmet, flack jacket and 'deuce' gear, rifle with 60 rounds and 2 radios from a dead sleep. Hated that **** at 04:45 after a midnight to 4 am post shift.