Cost of Driving an EV

“Deadhead miles” are the miles of driving done to find a charging station. This cost of gas and electricity were stated but the cost/price if time were not. I would say that for the price / cost of time, would be the persons yearly salary divided by waking hours. And would be in the 30 an hour range for the people driving the cheaper EV’s and would be in the 60 an hour range for the expensive EV’s.

The one thing all these studies miss is: what power source is used for the generation of power. For Portland OR it is Coal and Hydro. Other parts is natural Gas and Solar, or Nucular and Solar, or any other combo of these sources. How green it is driving my EV car in the carpool lane, said the snowflake...
You seem to be quite the authority on Portland Oregon for someone who lives in Southwest Washington..
Seem to be kind of a love hate relationship for you...