AMD full quarter panel issue

I've seen people that had to split the darn quarter half way down the side, and weld it back to get a body line right.
I hear some of the Tiwanize have bad eye sight!?
AMD will maybe quit making any Mopar panels?? Maybe China will take over with their superior work!?? LOL
This drivers side im doing now actually fits really good, i just had to tweak the door gap some but everything else is moving along good aside from this lower issue, i dont think they are gonna give up on mopars, especially when they are literally the only company that makes this stuff and they can charge whatever they want for it. They would be fools to give up a cornered market. And all this stuff is just stamped off a die so i dont think it matters to much where its made, its the final inspectors "in America" that dont even bother to do their job and expect the parts for damage and defects before they leave the wearhouse