AMD full quarter panel issue

^^^They ran out of 62-5 B body floor pan and said IF and when enough people put $ down for some they would maybe repop another run. So after quite a while they did and I bought a $65 sheet of 18 ga. and after measuring, cutting, braking, and welding, I had set welded in that would be hard to tell the difference and saved $500.
Every month I get heads up to their latest FORD pieces they have repoped. But I have NO FORDS!!!! Go figure.
Yea im getting tired of seeing all the ford and square body stuff too when there putting out defective stuff like this, the reason i got these full quarters is because i wanted to splurge and do the best job i can. I actually have a set of dorman quarter skins that i opted not to use because they needed a lot of work and filler to make them look good. Im trying to do a filler-free build, or at least as close to that goal as i can. I mean this latest problem isnt huge but i expect more for $500 a piece