Who was responsible for these children's deaths? The people who put them in harms way. The angry "little dick" comment is childish, and if adults want to do something risky, I'm all for it. Do You get just as angry when 2 children are lost in a rafting accident? How about on a carni ride? Why anyone would place themselves & loved ones on the business end of an event like this is beyond Me, that is on the promoters who allow it, & those foolish enough to engage in it. The tone of Your post is even more harmful to racers, insinuating they are "doing something wrong" for competing at these events, which are usually without incidents such as this...which is why it gets the magnifying glass......and it should. Those holding & organizing these things should have to answer for poor judgement & practices....
There wouldn't be any events if dip ****'s didn't show up to race no prep