360 Street/Strip Cam?

Just grab this now:

ATK High Performance Engines SP61 ATK High Performance Chrysler 408 A Stroker Short Blocks | Summit Racing

before it’s gone and you have to wait till who knows how long for a similar option (I’d have said to get a Blueprint stroker short block but they aren’t offering those atm) and build times are really unknown with parts availability issues for all.

That is a good buy.

Just know that is made from a Magnum block and how the block oils the heads can dictate what heads you can use. Early Magnum blocks can use both LA and Magnum heads, later ones only Magnum unless you modify the block.

So how much strip to street? There are rules to running that fast at the track, plus the supporting pats to do so like chassis stiffening, traction, safty equipment, upgraded trans and converter to match, gears, etc. This is the time to be honest about how your going to use the car as the wrong direction may send you father than you planned to go.