1967 Fastback Wiring Harness

Be careful with elec schematics, there are some "out there" that are NOT factory but appear to be. Make sure you have the 67 Barracuda FSM supplement. It is the only factory schematic I found.
I have it in pdf and can email to you.
Theres only a couple suppliers of OEM style harness. For me to get a repop dash harness up in Canada, landed would be approx $1000. So I decided I could redo a harness I had. Tedious, but not $1000 lol
Good luck.
I actually picked up an original Plymouth 1967 model year service manual in excellent shape at a swap meet a couple of weeks ago along with year specific original engine spec cards and model year specific operators manual that would have came in the glove box. The operators manual was a re-print. The folks that were selling them had years specific manuals for all different kinds of year/make/models manuals and documentation.