74 Dart Wiring diagram

You're right I just tested the relay and it works fine. Im just confused as to how the relay is activated. So I need to be sure that the center pin of the the NSS is ground right? I'm thinking I don't have a complete circuit.

What I said earlier.......

?? Pick what up?

The NS switch provides a ground in park or reverse. The path is key---start position--12v from yellow wire--through interlock box--to starter relay ---out starter relay---down to center pin of NSS--ground in park / neutral

The two small push on "flag" terminals are the coil. You need to get the two yellows spliced there at the connector lying loose where that reset box belonged. Read again the "path" which is from key to relay to NSS. Yes, the center pin grounds in park or neutral. A quick easy check is to pull the NSS wire off and ground it, then see if it works with the key. BE CAREFUL doing this because it will crank "in gear"