340 running hot

I once had this same issue with my HP 340 running close to 210. After cleaning out radiator, new 180 thermo stat, adjusted the timing and nothing really seemed to help so I added a fan shroud and my temp now was running between 195-200 on a hot and steamy day. I had an older fellow tell me to add a flex fan and move my fan back from the radiator. So I moved the fan back .500" , added the flex fan and now my temp runs any where from 175-190 with 190 being on a Hot and Steamy day sitting in traffic. Older guy told me that by moving my fan back from the radiator will allow the fan to pull more air thru more of the radiator. He also told me that many people thinking that moving their fan closer to the radiator will help cool it more which it does not... The move worked for me and I have never had any further heating issues...