Primer - wait to block?

So far I have finished the color coat. It has taken almost two weeks to get this far. I now have 7 days to apply the clear to it.
In the past I have applied the primer,color and clear, in one day. Of course, I was never happy with it. Any flaws that may creep up from this painting will remain as long as I have the car. I am very lucky I have even gotten to this point.
I have aged into a lung problem that is fatiguing the hell out of me.
The specialist still has no idea what the problem is. I asked him point blank, if I am creating this in my head and it does not really exist. He told me absolutely not, the lungs are damaged, but no one knows why. Testing starts in about 10 days.
This is the final paint job, but I have gotten better at it every time I did it and I am sure that this will be my best paint job ever. although I can see little thinks that I would have loved to fix.
Last time I finished, my wife told me it looked great and not leave it alone.
