What rpm stall converter should use?

We race NHRA Stock and Superstock all over the Western USA.
Sometime there
are as many as a dozen cars in our class all with a tenth or two
of each other.
The Toterhome/Stacker/Cars/Equipment are over $1,000,000.00 and our budget
is he long side of $100,000 a year and so are those we compete against!
We MUST RUN the best of everything = Not something pretty good or we are wasting a LOT of Time!
I won Class in Denver about 10+ year ago by .0001 ( Ten Thousand of a second ) against another 340 Car.=Good enough is NOT good enough
At the MoparSRT Nationals I lost by .003 finish this Weekend.

Sometimes we WILL test a Dozen Different Converters is any give race car.
We find the best one or two and sell the rest of them for !/2 price or whatever
they will bring!