2021 MLB World Series "MLB SUX"

MLB's been suckin for a very long time. They deny the greatest player in the world the hall of fame, Pete Rose. He should have been in the HOF 25 years ago. Many players since him have done much worse and not been banned from the game and some are in the HOF. Whether he hit a popup or base hit, he ran the plate down literally as fast as he could run. Charlie Hustle. I heard him answer an interviewer once who asked him why he did that. He said, "how do you know the guy will catch the pop fly"? "If I am giving it 100% and he drops the ball, I'm on base". I also loved his batting advice. He gave just three pieces of advice. Stand with a WIDE stance for good stability, crouch as low as possible to shorten the strike zone, and lastly, keep both feet ON THE GROUND. You watch these players nowadays. Look at how stupid a lot of them swing. Almost all of them lift a foot right before they swing. I guess they think they're getting some more power, when in reality, they're throwing themselves off balance. Pete is a little guy and he could outplay the best of the best in the day. He was the best to ever hold a bat. Nobody will ever be as good and he did it all without steroids or enhancing drugs and things of that nature.