members creditability

And OldKimmer, that was me that said to you, ‘ when agreeing to allow someone to make payments on something as trivial as car parts you are likely enabling someone that has made poor choices to continue to do so. If a person can’t hold off from buying a part and paying for it up front, what else are they doing poorly? We are not talking about a $50000 house mortgage or a $20000 car, both paid over time with interest. Maybe help someone learn some discipline by not allowing payments on used car parts.”

There's two sides to every coin. I'm retired and my income is fixed, but comes regularly. If a part comes up for sale that I've walked the face of the earth for and I am short when it is available, I'd appreciate someone taking something down to hold it for me until I can pay in full. On the other hand, there was a guy in ND that had a habit of asking people if they'd hold a part for a $20 bill until he could pay in full. What happened is he did this to numerous people at the same time. The joke was that he had bought up every Mopar part in ND for a $20 bill.