members creditability

There's two sides to every coin. I'm retired and my income is fixed, but comes regularly. If a part comes up for sale that I've walked the face of the earth for and I am short when it is available, I'd appreciate someone taking something down to hold it for me until I can pay in full. On the other hand, there was a guy in ND that had a habit of asking people if they'd hold a part for a $20 bill until he could pay in full. What happened is he did this to numerous people at the same time. The joke was that he had bought up every Mopar part in ND for a $20 bill.
And if that's the case, no harm in asking. But, as a buyer, make sure you follow through and make those payments as contracted and don't give the seller crap for saying no or voiding the agreement halfway through if you don't pay up. That seems to be the root of the problem here.