members creditability

Actually, it is ENTIRELY TRUE and you know it. At this point, I am not even mad at you. I'm actually pulling for you to change your life. "The truth will set you free" as they say.
Do you really think that all these people with negative things to say about your dealings are ALL LYING??? Its insane my man. I know a lot of the people here that have had negative dealings with you and they are good folks. And believe me, there are a bunch more of my friends that are not speaking up that you've done the same thing to. I don't blame them for keeping quiet. Its a dumpster fire. Who needs it.

I will say this. I am a big fan of forgiveness. I wouldn't rule out dealing with you in the future if you would just tell the truth. lol. I have had the good fortune of being forgiven for things in my life and I believe that is really important.
Its up to you though. This whole thing is like a broken record. Keeps happening over and over.
If I may offer some unsolicited advice, why not only buy the parts you can afford?
I can always find fifty things on this site that I want. I don't buy most of it because I'd be broke if I did. Seems like a good place to start.
Good luck to you.
Cory I did send you an apology in private message I don't know if you read it but I sent it you do have a part that I need for my 66 Dart if you can find their forgiveness and sell to me it's up to you either way but my apology still stands I hope you will accept it I was totally out of line being stressed by things that we're going on in my life that is no excuse for treating you the way I did and here in open Forum I will apologize to you again I am sorry for sending you that email cracked back is right it was totally unprofessional of me I am sorry