I grenaded my slant 6

WV64Signet,, a couple of options:
1) google ‘slant six oil flow’ you will get at least a page of FSM views of the slant motor oil flow. Over the course of the slant six production, the only time the flow path changed was when the hydraulic lifters were introduced. These views are typically looking through the motor from the #1 end.
2) get a vintage Factory Service Manual. On eBay most days. There in the engine section you will find the diagrams mention above.
3) get an engine roll over and a slant block and head. Disassemble, peruse, contemplate and sketch out the oil flow as you see it. Hopefully you will be somewhat close to what is shown in #1 or #2 listed above.
Copy All. Thanks

Service manual is right here. I'll pull the other web sources you mention. He likes puzzles and car builds.