340 Gets Terrible Gas Mileage

Hey Rusty I tried to check the timing. Car idling at 850 - 900 rpm with the vac gauge hose plugged. #1 cylinder is on driver's side first cylinder closest to front of car, right? The timing mark does not show up on the timing tab. The timing tab ranges from 10 before and 10 after with 10 before at the top of the timing tab as I look down on it with my timing light. I can see the crank pulley a fair bit below the 10 after mark and I do not see the mark on the crank. I cannot see much above the 10 before mark due to water pump in way. I must then assume that the initial timing is in excess of 10 before. My timing light is old (40 years old) and has not been used in awhile but does this tell you anything?



Hillbilly timing tape the balancer...

Cranking and having to floor the pedal to start is a common symptom of not enough initial timing.