Theres no bad pitbulls...just bad people...



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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Well...I guess I am a bad person. I should have listened to those that told me getting a pitbull was a bad idea. Daisy, our Blue Nose Pitbull attacked our female Redbone yesterday. Had her by the throat. I was beating her in the head with the handle of a shovel, she would not let go. When we finally managed to separate them Daisys eyes were red...she was in a whole different place. Azuls left front leg is tender. Tried to put her collar back on last night and she cried out in pain.
Last night she had trouble standing so I held her food bowl so she could eat. This morning Azul could hobble around, she had not been outside since she got attacked at 4 pm yesterday so I went out with her so she could take care of business.
We have an appointment to take Lincoln to the vet today. He has some sort of dry eye issue. Hopefully we can get Azul in the truck. As to Daisy...she will be put down. Either by the vet or by a hollow point from my 1911.
Well...I guess I am a bad person. I should have listened to those that told me getting a pitbull was a bad idea. Daisy, our Blue Nose Pitbull attacked our female Redbone yesterday. Had her by the throat. I was beating her in the head with the handle of a shovel, she would not let go. When we finally managed to separate them Daisys eyes were red...she was in a whole different place. Azuls left front leg is tender. Tried to put her collar back on last night and she cried out in pain.
Last night she had trouble standing so I held her food bowl so she could eat. This morning Azul could hobble around, she had not been outside since she got attacked at 4 pm yesterday so I went out with her so she could take care of business.
We have an appointment to take Lincoln to the vet today. He has some sort of dry eye issue. Hopefully we can get Azul in the truck. As to Daisy...she will be put down. Either by the vet or by a hollow point from my 1911.

That sucks but I'll admit I'm one that doesn't trust the breed. It's not the fault of the breed, just they way people have selectively bred in certain traits for awful reasons.

My neighbor runs a rescue. She has a 10yo pitt that is "supposed" to be the "sweetest thing". Dog attacked one of her other dogs. Bit down so hard, blood sprayed 4 feet and got all over my wife's dress who was a the fence talking to the neighbor.

The American Kennel Society lists pitt's as the leading cause of fatal attacks at around 72 percent (couple of years ago). Next in line are Rottweilers at around 10.

Again, I don't blame the dog, it is what it is, but I don't trust them any farther than I could throw one.

Btw, the neighbor being the understanding type, installed some additionel wire fencing at the lower half of our fence, on her dime, to help mitigate any damage to our dogs and and my grand daughter. And no, I don't let my grand daughter anywhere near that fence.

And again, I'm sorry you have to put it down but I think it's the right thing to do, especially if there are any kids around.
Man, sorry to hear. It's always sad to put down a pet, but I think you are making the right decision. Next time it could be a toddler. Hope Azul is on the mend. I feel for you.:(
There are bad everything.

Dog people can be overly forgiving or blind to the fact that many small kids and toddlers have been mulled to death by every age bracket of dog. That fact to me kinda takes the bad people element out of it and makes the dog the issue.
I have a blue nose pit and she is scared of other animals.....My cat minds his own business and the dog could care less about him. Previously I had a pit and had it since it was 8 weeks old and it lived in the house with the cat for almost 5 years. We went to go cut down our Christmas tree and came home to a dead cat that the pit trapped and shook the crap out of it. That dog was diagnosed with cancer and was put down a month after it killed the cat. You never know what kind of dog you have but its not just pit bulls.
Bad examples of just about every bread out there. Mine is a big baby. Can do anything to him and he just loves the attention. Sucks ya had the experience ya did.

Bad examples of just about every bread out there. Mine is a big baby. Can do anything to him and he just loves the attention. Sucks ya had the experience ya did.

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Can't argue with that. My mother had a chihuahua that was a complete psycho. Would bare it's teeth to anyone but here. Thing ended up bashing it's own skull in trying to get out of it's kennel.

1. No one said all pitts are bad.
2. Any dog can go off it's rails.
3. Pitts, according to available statistics, are the worst.
4. People will go out of their way to have them to prove some sort of point, which is dangerous.

You may very well never have a problem and I hope you do not, but to me, it's not worth the risk to say I have a "Pitt" and it's "friendly".... I've witnessed "friendly" pitts first hand and it isn't pretty. So did the OP.

Again, your mileage may vary, but that's your mess to deal with if it ever goes south.

I notice you have a choke collar on him...
It's a martingale collar.

I'm not worried about anything going south. Like I said big gentle baby. My son has two pits also and they are so good with my 2 year old grand daughter it's crazy.

Had two huskies before these two. They are also on the "bad dog" list. Boy did they bond with my daughter when she was an infant.
It's a martingale collar.

I'm not worried about anything going south. Like I said big gentle baby. My son has two pits also and they are so good with my 2 year old grand daughter it's crazy.

That's great and I hope it remains so.
To me, this whole thing is a chicken/egg debate

Are pitts bad dogs, or do bad people make them bad dogs?
At some point you got to wonder why those bad people didnt grab a labradoodle to start out with

As far as im concerned, it has become a moot point, I'd just as soon avoid Pitts alltogether

Now, remind me, was Lincoln a rescue dog to begin with or did you raise him from a puppy?
Well...I guess I am a bad person. I should have listened to those that told me getting a pitbull was a bad idea. Daisy, our Blue Nose Pitbull attacked our female Redbone yesterday. Had her by the throat. I was beating her in the head with the handle of a shovel, she would not let go. When we finally managed to separate them Daisys eyes were red...she was in a whole different place. Azuls left front leg is tender. Tried to put her collar back on last night and she cried out in pain.
Last night she had trouble standing so I held her food bowl so she could eat. This morning Azul could hobble around, she had not been outside since she got attacked at 4 pm yesterday so I went out with her so she could take care of business.
We have an appointment to take Lincoln to the vet today. He has some sort of dry eye issue. Hopefully we can get Azul in the truck. As to Daisy...she will be put down. Either by the vet or by a hollow point from my 1911.
I am very saddened by your experience, but I do understand that you are doing the right thing to keep your family, pets, and everyone else safe. I would not be surprised if Daisy had some underlying health problems and the pain she is in has caused her to react in an uncharacteristic manner. Sorry for the loss of your furry friend. :(
When I was a kid it was dobermans, then rotties now pitties. Can't wait to see what breed is next

Pitts have been a problem way before dobermans and rotts. The difference is pitts were bred to fight and kill by specific intentional selection of traits. Dobermans and Rotts can be dangerous, but they can at least be trained to stop.

As far as Pack mentality goes, I will agree your dog might look at you as the pack leader, but that's about it.

Hell my brother had three huskies he used for sled racing. He was the pack leader. Came home to find the neighbors puppy turn to shreds and blood everywhere. The female was cowering in the corner and the other male was pacing. The lead dog was still shredding the puppy. He loaded them all up and had the put down in 30 mins.

Again, people can and will state anecdotal evidence, including me as I have done, but the statistics are what they are.

I reaolly do hope you never have a problem with yours.

To the OP, I apologize since the seems to have gone off the rails an I'm part of that. I'll stop...
They're all animals is how I see it.

Even your cat may try and eat you if it were big enough. Lol

did i ever share the story of the family a few counties over that had a pet raccoon?

they also had little children

if i remember the story correct they raccoon (which they had raised from a baby) would sleep with their children
one day the parents were at a party a few houses over
i guess they had brought a baby monitor to keep and ear out for the kids

im not sure if they heard the baby scream and that is when they went home or if they didnt realize it untill they came home but the raccoon, which had been raised as a pet, had turned on the 3 month old and tried to rip her face off
and dang near succeeded too

(needless to say, the parents were released of their rights after that)

here is a picture of the girl at 11, after a surgery where they were able to attach a new ear (im not sure why they werent able to do so at a younger age, growht im guessing)


my point is, all animals are animals
you just never can tell if or when then will go rogue
They're all animals is how I see it.

Even your cat may try and eat you if it were big enough. Lol
My wife had chickens... I decided right away that if you fell down in the yard with the chickens, they would eat you. Nothing nice about them... and you had to watch that if one wasn't doing well, the others would peck at it and try to kill it. Nasty animals.

Loved the fresh eggs though.
I've had a lot of dogs in my life. All kinds... German Shepherds, Rotties, Great Danes, an Akita and now an American Bull Dog (they are not pits, more like a Mastiff).

Meanest one was my wife's Chihuahua. It would hang from the neck of my Great Dane by its teeth. It could not be with other dogs, so it was "rehomed" to my cousin and now its fine.

I've stayed away from the Pitties though. IMHO, they've been breed to fight and somewhere along the line, that may come out. I looked at a Pit to adopt once and he was fine until he say another dog in the distance... completely across the park. The dog went berserk and I politely said "no thanks" to the shelter. They agreed and even said "this one might not be adoptable". Basically a death sentence...

I do think that most is the environment that they are raised in... But breeding is breeding.. and there is a lot of bad breeding out there. The Pits are probably one of the worst examples with them being breed by people that shouldn't be breeding dogs. Read that as the people that have fighting dogs.... and there's a lot more dog fighting than a lot of people think.
Was it an attack or was it retaliation.
Having dealt with one (attacked my dog and put one in it) this is what I learned. No question in the wrong hands by means of an irresponsible owner they are a big problem. Are they bad dogs? No. People make them into what they are. However, and this is reality....

Stupid strong dogs. In fact the one I dealt with wasn't letting go of my dog (in my yard) no way, no how. I deflated her Balloon and then she let go but the problems after that is for a different thread. My point is once the switch is flipped good luck.... You'll need it. I can't over emphasize how strong they are... And that's the problem. If one grabs you either you have a plan or you are in trouble....

I shot and killed my across-the-street neighbors dog. My next door neighbor had waved across the street, the two loose rot mixes charged.
I heard a ruckus, went to see what was going on, ran back in, grabbed my 38 and put a round into the dog that had my neighbor by the throat, a 70 year old cancer survivor.
He was hospitalized, but not seriously injured. Animal control THANKED me, said I might have saved his life.
I can't over emphasize how strong they are... And that's the problem. If one grabs you either you have a plan or you are in trouble....


reminds me of this comic from my youth

Translated page of Jan, Jans en de kinderen
This is page 436 of the Dutch collection book Cartoon Aid featuring Jan, Jans en de kinderen (Jan, Jans and their children) by Jan Kruis.


Catootje: Look grandpa, that's a pitbull.
Grandpa: That little doggie?
Man: Watch your words old man. Otherwise I'll
make the "little doggie" grab you.


Man: And whatever he grabs he'll never let loose
Whether it's your arm or your leg...!
Grandpa: I find it hard to believe that.
Man: I'll show you something. Rambo..! Bite..!


Man: And now I can shout as much as I want. He won't
let loose... It can take a quarter of an hour.
Grandpa: A quarter of an hour?
Man: You better believe it! And if I train him more
he'll manage this a full hour.


Man: Rambo.. Bite.. Loose.. Help!
Grandpa: Haha!
Catootje: Run grandpa..!
Grandpa: We have another ten minutes to get home.
That sucks but I'll admit I'm one that doesn't trust the breed. It's not the fault of the breed, just they way people have selectively bred in certain traits for awful reasons.

My neighbor runs a rescue. She has a 10yo pitt that is "supposed" to be the "sweetest thing". Dog attacked one of her other dogs. Bit down so hard, blood sprayed 4 feet and got all over my wife's dress who was a the fence talking to the neighbor.

The American Kennel Society lists pitt's as the leading cause of fatal attacks at around 72 percent (couple of years ago). Next in line are Rottweilers at around 10.

Again, I don't blame the dog, it is what it is, but I don't trust them any farther than I could throw one.

Btw, the neighbor being the understanding type, installed some additionel wire fencing at the lower half of our fence, on her dime, to help mitigate any damage to our dogs and and my grand daughter. And no, I don't let my grand daughter anywhere near that fence.

And again, I'm sorry you have to put it down but I think it's the right thing to do, especially if there are any kids around.

We are on the same page..... Pitbulls I believe also show no emotion and act on it...... The Jackwad beside me still has Pitbulls and it definitely adds stress to being outside. And no way would I let anyone's kid in my yard now. I thought he would be gone but our Gubm't is paying the meal ticket. Again, for another thread...

Take care of the Grand daughter man.....
