Lunati Cam - Advance ground in ?

If he is going to degree the cam in, he will have all the answers to his questions ! He has been told repeatedly on how to do this ! And it doesn’t matter if you call it straight up, straight back or peanut butter ! Call it what you want ! And it doesn’t matter where you put your timing set !! If you degree the cam in you still will have to move it most likely to get the ICL to 104 ! So all of it really doesn’t matter ! Degree the cam in and make your adjustment to get the desired ICL 104 ! It’s that simple
I disagree, it DOES matter what You call it, sloppy terminology has no place in technical discussion. Dot-to-Dot is NOT straight-up! I agree that if the OP is going to check it, He will ultimately end up at the correct ICL, but that's NOT what was asked.
The answer is;
1) YES the advance is almost always ground-in to the cam per spec sheet
2) NO don't start by installing it 6deg advanced using whatever adjustable method You are employing. Start with a -0- adv setting, check & correct as needed.
And for God's sakes, STOP YELLING EVERYBODY!!!! LOL!,........