words that irk me

Just because you read a Bible doesn't mean others do, that was the point of Mark's quote.

If you fully believe like you claim, you wouldn't even use the almost swear words you do. Changing a letter doesn't make it any better, the intent is there, so you might as well use the proper word and complete your sin.

Exactly LocuMob. For all you bible thumpers, there is no after-life, when you're dead you're dead, finished!! Houdini proved that point when he died. He gave his wife a secret code Rosabelle and he would try to contact her through a median. Many tried but to no avail. If anyone could have done it he would have.
I don't even have a bible in the house thankyou and even if I did it would just gather dust. If there is a person you call God then why would he let people be in severe pain with cancer or whatever or let them suffer with Dementia or Alzheimers? Bet you can't answer that one, I was born at night but just not last night.